Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dysmenorrhoea (or "Nyeri pada masa haid" in Indonesian languange)

Dysmenorrhoea is cyclical lower abdominal or pelvic pain, which may also radiate to the back and thighs, occurring prior to or during menstruation, or both. In general, we can classify dysmenorrhoea into two types:
* Primary dysmenorrhoea occurs in the absence of any obvious underlying disease. Cause is unknown.
* Secondary dysmenorrhoea is due to an underlying disease, most commonly endometriosis. Other possible causes are fibroid, adenomyosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, intrauterine device, and cervical stenosis. Secondary dysmenorrhoea usually are often present with other gynaecological symptoms, such as intermenstrual bleeding, painful sexual intercourse, and post-coital bleeding.
Dysmenorrhoea’s management itself is meant to relieve/reduce the pain using the following treatments:
* Drug treatment including Non Steroid Anti Inflamatory Drugs (pain killers), combined oral contraceptive pills (for patient who also requires contraception), and menstrual cycle suppressant (e.g. danazol)
* Non drug and surgical treatment including neurectomy, uterine nerve ablation, and transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation.

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