Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sleep Talking

Sleep talking is the act of talking, mumbling, laughing or conversing during sleep. It is also called by the name somniloquy.

It's an abnormal but very common behavior that takes place during sleep. It is not usually considered a medical problem. That condition is very common in childhood and does occur in some adults. Fifty percent of children and about five percent of adults suffer from the disorder. Girls talk in their sleep as much as boys.

In itself, the condition is rather harmless. And usually treatment is not needed. However, if sleep talking occurs frequently and becomes profane, dramatic or emotional, a medical professional’s opinion and evaluation should be sought. This is when the sleeping disorder can be considered alarming. A thorough diagnosis should be carried out and the proper treatment measures be employed.

Things that can cause sleep talking include but not limited to certain medications, emotional stress, fever, and substance abuse.

There is no known way to reduce sleep talking. Avoiding stress and getting plenty of sleep might help to lessen occurrence of sleep talking. Keeping a sleep diary for about 2 weeks can help identify your sleep patterns and help find out possible underlying causes. Note the times you go to bed, when you think you fell asleep, when you woke up, and write down the following:
· the medicines you take, and the time of day you take them
· what you drink each day and when, especially caffeinated drinks such as cola, tea, and coffee, as well as alcohol
· when you exercise

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